It’s an interesting idea, but those who don’t care about Twitch or watch streams won’t get much use out of it. Viewers then earn points towards their battle pass just by watching. Here, viewers can check out their favorite streamers’ loadouts, cheer them on and even join their squad. The way it works is that a streamer has the option to add a Twitch extension to their stream called the Hyper Scape Crowncast. Hyper Scape allows players to level up by watching streamers playing the game, or even by voting on the outcome of a match. There’s one final aspect to Hyper Scape that might also be its most unusual - Twitch integration. I like these powers because they add variety to the combat and add defensive options, allowing players who aren’t skilled in FPS games a chance to survive a bit longer. All of these work on a cooldown, and collecting more decreases that cooldown time. Hyper Scape also offers abilities that can be picked up during battle - things like turning invisible for a short period of time, or teleporting a short distance to safety. Balance is a problem as well - I found myself emptying entire clips from one gun into other players and saw them survive, only to be downed by a few shots from a different gun. Gunfire has no weight to it, and shooting enemies never feels like it’s doing much damage.

Unfortunately, the firearms don’t feel as good as the movement. Hyper Scape gives players a selection of FPS standards - rifles, pistols, grenade launchers,a shotgun, and a few sci-fi guns that shoot beams are thrown in for good measure. While movement is key to survival, so is the right weapon selection. Players can also collect power-ups to increase that mobility. Movement is one of the strongest aspects here, and being able to double-jump and zip along rooftops is wonderful. Once in motion, players won’t have much time to think about the aesthetics, though - Hyper Scape moves at breakneck speed. The digitization effect as the map closes also looks cool, adding to the techno aesthetic. Taking cues from European cities, many buildings look like art installations, and there’s even a large cathedral to explore. Navigating these gorgeous hubs full of gold and blue makes it feel like I’m actually in its virtual world, and the modern city look in maps is great. Hyper Scape’s aesthetic and style is what really caught my eye. Players traverse Neo-Arcadia, a virtual city littered with weapons and other resources such as power-ups that players can use. The main mode, Crown Rush, is standard first-person battle royale. Having to walk to a spot within the hub to invite friends felt tedious, and I would have preferred just pressing a button to see a social menu. While this helps immerse the player into the faux virtual world, it makes selecting things a total pain. This first-person hub allows them to switch characters, check out the in-game store, squad up with friends and even train with the available arsenal.

(To be clear, the game is not VR.) Instead of menus, players wander around a hub space to choose from different options. Hyper Scape‘s premise is that players are participating in a virtual battle royale world. Ubisoft’s contribution to the genre, Hyper Scape, tries to carve out its own territory but unfortunately, results are mixed. While it might seem as though the battle royale genre is oversaturated, the examples given (and more) mean that most have enough to differentiate themselves and cater to an array of tastes.

Fall Guys put the battle royale genre into a game show-style context. Fortnite has its now-famous mechanic of building structures to tactically gain an advantage against the enemy. Games like Apex Legends introduced nonverbal communication as a means of highlighting important objects in the world while Call of Duty Warzone allowed players to win a 1-on-1 fight to get back into a match. But, they each offer their own spin on things. It seems like there’s a new battle royale every week, and they all follow the same basic formula - be the last person (or team) standing in an ever-shrinking map. WTF Yeah I’ve been in the pre-game lobby for a while now