The main armament on the CPLT-C1 is a pair of LRM 15 launchers. Both side torsos of the CPLT-C1 carry LRM ammo with each having 25% of critical slots being explosive. The Weak Head Armor quirk means that the head location effectively loses 1 point of armor, but that still leaves that location just 1 shy of its maximum, so it is not a major drawback. Its 160 points of standard armor are only 76% of what its chassis could carry, and it is well below average durability for a heavy ’Mech. In line with its role, the Catapult CPLT-C1 is relatively lightly armored. It is generally worth using the jump jets to bypass terrain like water and rubble that would require a Piloting Skill Roll. With the No/Minimal Arms quirk, the Catapult can struggle to stand up if it falls. For evasion, the Catapult can achieve a +2 target movement modifier either running or jumping. Once its mission is complete or if enemy units start to close in, the jump jets can then be used to withdraw out of the rough terrain quickly.

As a fire support ’Mech, those jump jets are useful for getting to the top of hills or into cover to give the CPLT-C1 a good position to use for unleashing its missiles. The Catapult has an average ground speed for a heavy ’Mech, but it retains that mobility in rough terrain thanks to its 4 jump jets. Don’t waste missiles on shots that aren’t likely to hit.Try to engage with your LRMs at around 12-14 hexes.Use your jump jets to get to a position with good line of sight and some cover.The CPLT-C1 continued to see widespread use through the Jihad, but during the Republic Era and the Dark Ages, it has been supplanted by newer variants everywhere other than the Periphery. After only a couple of years of production, the Hegemony did not renew their contracts with the manufacturer and the design started to become less common as the Star League focused on other designs for fire support.Īfter the fall of the Star League, Catapults were found throughout the Inner Sphere and Periphery, but were most common with the Capellan Confederation and Draconis Combine. The Catapult CPLT-C1 was introduced as a fire support ’Mech for the Terran Hegemony in 2561.