Tactical maps, Chaos Campaign tracks, and new 'Mechs that debuted during the Battle of Terra all let you jump right into the cockpit and fight in the culmination of over three centuries of Clan history. Then catch a glimpse of how the Great Houses and other major powers will face the outcome of this far-reaching conflict. But will this dream become destiny or nightmare?ĭelve into what it means to be the ilClan, and experience the tumultuous Battle of Terra, which will shake the very foundations of the Inner Sphere. Now, 326 years later, the Children of Kerensky have fought their way to Terra with the intent of fulfilling this dream. The ilClan would reestablish the venerable Star League from the ashes of the old, and its Khan would become ilKhan, supreme ruler of all the Clans. This coming of age story is bursting at the seams with action and remarkable insights into clan society, making it a truly compelling addition to the Battletech Universe.In 2825, ilKhan Nicholas Kerensky, the founder of the Clans, gave his exiled, warrior-led people a dream: the first Clan to return to the Inner Sphere and claim Terra, the cradle of humanity, in honorable combat would claim the title of ilClan"”ruler of all the Clans. Alongside the story of Aidan's perilous journey into adulthood we get insightful journal entries from the camp commander enlightening us on the theory and practice of the mysterious ways of the clan. The way of the clans makes for an almost unendurable struggle to earn one's place among the warrior caste here, the individual is stressed over the group mentality, and a true warrior is expected to do anything to reach his/her objectives. We follow him all the way through the warrior training program, which culminates in the Trial that determines whether or not he will earn the right to lead a monstrous Battletech in battle. Aidan Pryde is a trueborn who wants desperately to earn warrior status in the Jade Falcon clan (which numbers among the mightiest of all the clans) to which he was born, but he is a little different from the other members of his genetic grouping, or sibko. Freeborns, those born by natural means, also can earn warrior status, but their lower caste forbids them from fighting on the front lines.

Each sibko may only produce one or two warriors, however - only the very best succeed, while the others are killed or assigned to work among the lower castes. The trueborn are artificially created via genetic engineering from the bloodlines of the most accomplished warriors, and these youngsters are all raised and trained together from birth. Some are bred for the task, and the highest honor a warrior can achieve is the acquisition of a Bloodname and inclusion in the genetic warrior pool. The society is built almost solely upon the central importance of warfare, and it is the dream of every child to become a warrior. In the 31st century, the BattleMech is the ultimate war machine. Back in the twenty-eighth century, Aleksandr Kerensky took all of his supporters and established his own society outside the Inner Sphere with the intention of one day returning and re-establishing the old government, Nicholas Kerensky began developing the most dangerous soldiers possible. Buy a cheap copy of Way of the Clans (Battletech: Legend of. Not only does Way of the Clans introduce you to the clan structure of the outer worlds of the Sphere, it takes you all the way through one young man's training to become a MechWarrior. I don't know if Way of the Clans is a good starting point in terms of the timeline, but it's certainly a good starting point in the sense that it draws the reader right into the world of Battletech with a fascinating story.

I speak from personal experience here, as I'm still new to these books myself. You basically have to study Battletech history in order to fully understand each book's place in that history. The Battletech Universe can seem a little complicated for those new to the series there are so many books covering different historical eras and personalities, almost all of which are related in one way or another, that one hardly knows where to begin.