MariaDB could crash after changing the query_cache size ( MDEV-5924).mariadb_schema data type qualifier allowing MariaDB native date types in an SQL_MODE that has conflicting data type translations.Note that this means results will have a lower precision in some cases - see div_precision_increment ( MDEV-19232) Previously results could be unpredictable. div_precision_increment is now taken into account for all intermediate calculations.Crash with Prepared Statement with a '?' parameter inside a re-used CTE ( MDEV-22779).

Crash on WITH RECURSIVE large query ( MDEV-22748).LATERAL DERIVED is not clearly visible in EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON, make LATERAL DERIVED tables visible in EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON output ( MDEV-17568).Print ranges in the optimizer trace created for non-indexed columns when optimizer_use_condition_selectivity >2 Now the optimizer trace shows the ranges constructed while getting estimates from EITS ( MDEV-22665).Improve Protocol performance for numeric data by avoiding unnecessary character string conversions ( MDEV-23162).Replication aborts with ER_SLAVE_CONVERSION_FAILED upon CREATE.Refine mysqlbinlog output to print out START TRANSACTION at Gtid_log_event processing which satisfies clients that submit the output with sql_mode=oracle ( MDEV-23108).Specifically, do not skip master notification about slave binlog checksum awareness ( MDEV-14203) Correct master-slave automatic reconnection by slave to always pass through all steps of the initial connect.Eliminate deadlock involving parallel workers, STOP SLAVE and FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK ( MDEV-23089).Correct '' updating by concurrent parallel workers ( MDEV-22806).Properly handle RESET MASTER TO value, when the value exceeds the max allowed 2147483647 ( MDEV-22451).Fix stop of the optimistic parallel slave at requested START-SLAVE-UNTIL position ( MDEV-15152).Make the binlog dump thread to log into errorlog a requested GTID position ( MDEV-20428).Correctly implemented the scrubbing of freed pages ( MDEV-8139).Fixes to performance regressions introduced in MariaDB 10.5.4 ( MDEV-23017, MDEV-23369, MDEV-23410).Slow InnoDB shutdown on large instance ( MDEV-22778).Fixed race conditions related to buffer pool resizing.Doublewrite recovery can corrupt data pages ( MDEV-11799).Mariadb service won't shutdown when it's running and the OS datetime updated backwards ( MDEV-17481).innodb_log_optimize_ddl=OFF is not crash safe ( MDEV-21347).Dropping the adaptive hash index may cause DDL to lock up InnoDB ( MDEV-22456).Minor fixes related to encryption and FULLTEXT INDEX.InnoDB data file extension is not crash-safe ( MDEV-23190).Fixed a deadlock in FLUSH TABLES…FOR EXPORT ( MDEV-22890).Fixed corruption in delete buffering ( MDEV-22497).innodb_adaptive_max_sleep_delay ( MDEV-23379).Thanks, and enjoy MariaDB! Notable Changes Deprecated variables